Linux Subsystem in Windows and Faust (GRAME)

 This is a guide for the installation of Linux Subsystem in Windows and the programming
 Language FAUST (Grame) for the Subsystem.

 First let's install WSL. In Windows Powershell type:


wsl --install wsl --list --online wsl --install Ubuntu

Finish the configuration... In this way we are installing Ubuntu Subsystem in Windows. After the installation open the Ubuntu Terminal in Windows In Ubuntu WSL Terminal copy and paste the following lines and press Enter:

cat > << EOF #!/bin/bash # install Faust Grame sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade sudo apt-get install -y build-essential cmake git libmicrohttpd-dev sudo apt-get install llvm-dev git clone cd faust git submodule update --init sudo make sudo make install EOF

After the creation of this Bash script, in Ubuntu WSL Terminal type:


Finish the configuration... In Ubuntu WSL Terminal type (see the installed Faust version):

cd .. faust -v